Viparita Dandasana~Inverted Staff Pose, supported

This pose opens the chest, expands the thoracic, and brings blood to the brain. The supported version of Viparita Dandasana is done with a folding chair. First, place a bolster, and if needed, blocks or pillows at the foot of the chair, where your feet would normally be.  Sit in the chair backwards, extending legs through chairback. Grab back of the chair and slowly extend torso backward over the seat.  If this is uncomfortable, add a blanket or cushion to chair seat.  Middle of back should be supported by chair, legs are straight, and crown of head rests on the bolster.  Hands can move down to back legs of chair, allowing chest a greater opening.

Remain 2-3 minutes and breathe into your crown chakra, the Sahasrara~ the thosand petaled lotus, ‘seat of the supreme soul.’  Braincells are not only bathed with blood but metaphysically this is our connection to everything. Visualize a white or clear light cleansing the pituitary and pineal glands. When ready to come out of pose, bend knees, plant soles of feet on floor, and gently pull torso upright, pause before moving on.


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