Love is love in every guise
Furred paws and Feathered wing,
In sweetest passion snuggle in
Be mine! Be mine!
Unrepenting, undenied
A face, a form, of skin and bone.
Without love we lie forlorn.
Wisdom Body Notes for 2/13-2/20 by Samantha Cameron There is a wonderful French saying, “Le bonheur, c’est de continuer à désirer ce que l’on possède” Essentially, telling us that happiness comes from desiring what we have. I will add, ‘and by what/who we are.’ I propose on this electric Valentine’s Day we organize a ‘hot date’: for ourselves as well as the one we love, plus dear hearted-friends, and those lost and maimed to love. This is a year for reaching out, and moving beyond old boundaries to ‘allow love in every guise.’ We have been prepped by energies in last week’s New Moon, the celebration of the Year of the Wood Dragon, and of course ‘Fat Tuesday,’ the joy of Mardi Gras. Each of these energies gives guidance on ways to begin again. As we reinvent ourselves~ we dance into deeper hearts with joyous breath and wider vision. I invite you to join me in dancing “Liquid Love,” https://shaktidances.com/ moving to Ennio Morricone’s beautiful music, played by YoYo Ma. Just breathe YoYo’s rendition and something within you will dance.
You not only have the drive and stamina to dance on Valentine’s Day, you will have the deep emotion to bring it alive. In fact, we have enough energetic power to do just about anything we wish as the two power planets of the Cosmos embrace one another. When Mars and Pluto collide, we have passionate, fiery, combustible energies so be clear about your intention and how you wish to implement. We can create war or magic, especially when this ‘cosmic collision’ is in the first degree of Aquarius. Whenever the individual fire of Mars is linked to the universal powers of Pluto it’s important to be aligned within if you wish the highest good. It’s a balancing act needing focus as there are challenges!
Since Aquarian energies offer futuristic potential, a plethora of possibilities, and endless wake-up calls, I suggest paying attention to ALL your ideas, dreams, and teams. Perhaps creating ‘a dream team’ to formulate something entirely new to benefit the many is formulating within? We have an overload of vibrant Aquarian energy threading through February, opening us to ever more change, unique brain farts, erratic behavior, autonomy, innovation, and detachment supporting us to become a visionary’s visionary. For those who prefer precise information- here you go:
05-Feb-24 Mercury enters Aquarius. We are brainier by the minute. The sky is the limit of wild ideas and the will to entertain future inventions.
07-Feb. Venus trine Uranus. You will fall in love with a fabulous weirdo! or you will step back and grow greater autonomy in your relationships.
08-Feb. Sun square Uranus. Shock and awe and soundbites of evolution are brought to us through chaos and unexpected changes. Slow down to see through the shifting veil.
09-Feb. New Moon in Aquarius. Begin the beguine with iconoclastic habits. Re-read last week’s blog for reminders.
12-13-Feb. Mars enters Aquarius. Talk about a hot date!! Your passion play is on display~ A perfect time to give birth to your fiery dreams!
15 Feb. A grounded Taurus Moon connects to Chiron the healer and Mercury’s mind, making for a day of healing and rebalancing.
16-Feb. Venus enters Aquarius. Love the unusual, the new, and the bizarre. Venus craves connection and attachment but in Aquarius she prefers autonomy, and more distant perspective than usual.
17-Feb. Mercury square Uranus. Think outside the box! Think BIG! Think like Einstein.
Accompanying all that creative, wonky, connective air is the mud of Saturn in Pisces. If you remember, these two polar energies of earth and water can be a slog, a fog of being mired without a compass. It is also the land of the lotus. No mud/no lotus. Difficult as it may be to initiate when Saturn wanders through spiritual creative Pisces all of 2024, with the assistance of all the Aquarian air element we are indeed in the land of the ‘Lotus Eaters’ ~Those who will grab this extraordinary opportunity to create something innovative, inspiring, unique, and nutritious for Self and the world. Instead of mud-slinging, with practice, we can drop into a depth charge of high-vibration-growth. Bon chance, mes amis!
Last week, I sent Mr. Twain’s wonderfully Aquarian quote. Too good not to include once again: “Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably And never regret ANYTHING That makes you smile.“
Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha 💖
Making plans to move forward? Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life: samcatcam@gmail.com, or text 508-505-7700. Astrological Information~ https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/
Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/
Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom. For information contact- samcatcam@gmail.com
YOUR PRACTICE THIS WEEK: Be alive to the wild, Imaginative ways to redirect your life, plus Valentine’s intention to love bomb everyone, it will be difficult NOT to be more inclusive, and involved, with lift-off into higher stewardship. Imagine yourself as an architect, with a new house under design. Take quiet time to sit in the rooms waiting for you, anticipating the design to be executed.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Before the Sun enters Pisces on Sunday 18th, we are all to be as vibrantly Aquarian as possible. This is especially applicable to all birthday celebrants! The world is waiting for your unique voice. Be excited, rather than fearful. You have Pluto, the transformational power source of the zodiac along with Mars pushing you into ever higher, passionate levels of being, of authenticity and consciousness. Use this energy to create, do and become who you have dreamed of being. Take the stage without regret or shyness, morphing into a leader the world needs.