Feb. 23-March 3


“Surf the wild heart every chance you get!”  S. Cameron

Wisdom Body notes for Feb. 23-March 3 by Samantha Cameron

Take your intention and power to lean into and come out the other end of this week’s chaotic changes.  Under the weekend’s Yin/Yang~Pisces/Virgo Full Moon, let us see clearly, for at least a moment, that there’s light at the end of every tunnel. It’s important to remember as we ride wild emotional waves that we have access to a wise mix of cosmos and earth.  We have more affinity and abilities than we consciously understand to use unseen elemental energies – when we but pause and listen.  Grab your board, and let’s explore ways and means of accessing and connecting healing yin/yang forces, as well as inner and outer power outlets to soothe the angst and overwhelm. Sir Isaac Newton said, “What we know is a drop; what we don’t know is an ocean.” 

By their greater light, Full Moons are always opportune times to open our pearly blues and see beyond defined boundaries.  The Pisces/Virgo polarity brings confusion, distraction, challenges of clearing and cleaning as well as a watery shared spirit, of oneness and grace.  Virgo on the other end says, “Snap out of it, give me the details and I’ll fix!” Having a plan, knowing first steps, stopping to re-organize are all imperative requests of this time.  Again, my friends, we return to my “Do Be Do Be Do dance” of doing and being, with the choreographic demand that it is practice that offers perfection.  It is learning to surf the small waves that we entertain the mountainous ones at Praia de Norte, Nazaré, “home to the world’s largest waves.”

“The large light of this Full Moon is intensified by solar flare downloads which shake the magnetic field surrounding earth as they produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs, impacting power girds, GPS,, satellite communications, cardiovascular and nervous systems, pineal gland and perception of reality.  They also help release old programming and reconfigure consciousness.”  Stephanie Austin, Astrologer. Clearly, this offers opportunity for easier access to soul material, and information that lies obscured below the surface.  It is also an opportunity to stop and get organized, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically.  We are supported in this large effort by a large trine of energetic integration that encompasses planets Jupiter (the great benefic of higher mind, and more is more.) trine the Moon, (the emotional body) trine to the asteroid Ceres, (an asteroid that boosts a sense of self-worth, and personal value.) This earthy supportive flow offers generosity of spirit and grounding as balance to the chaotic shifts.

Looking at the chart for this Full Moon, you immediately see that the Moon is carrying the weight of all the other planets in a bucket formation.  What does this mean?  The first desire of any moon is to feel safe.  When she is pushed out to stand alone, never mind carry the weight of our universe in a heavy bucket, she is full of angst and overwhelm, and as she is in Virgo, she wants to fix, mobilize and direct, which is simply not possible to do.  Therefore, we are all emotionally overwhelmed this weekend. Spend triage time in self-care by stilling the clamor, and opening up vision to see beyond old perceptions.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to lean into the right brain and listen to the heart,  to take linear, practical knowledge and absorb it in holistic ways so that earthy Virgo logic integrates with watery Pisces spirit….the yin and yang of life.  This is how we grow things within and without.

The emotional body has been under huge weight, if not wisdom these past two weeks with the enormous shift of Pluto, lord of the underworld, and transformation, moving into Aquarius.  It then hit both Mars, our warrior energy, and Venus, our heart energy, full force.  This has shaken, not stirred every possible emotion at profound levels, and there is a part of us that is exhausted.  Knowingly, or unknowingly, we have been in triage mode for family, friends, and strangers.  Personally, we have been unearthing, (Pluto) and or suppressing expressions of raw authenticity and vitality, unexpressed anger and sorrow.  Now, this week with Mars and Venus aligning we have an amazing opportunity to create balance through passion and creativity, aligning our value and loving intentions to a warrior spirit.  The masculine and feminine join forces to infuse us with greater courage and confidence.  They are beginning a new two year cycle which an opportune time to utilize intuition, a new creative project, create stronger relationships-with self and other.  As they align in Aquarius, we head into an individualistic, more authentic, untraditional imaginative perspective.

We are in an opportune time of great metamorphoses! This literally means ‘a change of form.’  Not easy, but essential.  Move into higher mind, expanded heart, and meta-vision.  Under the Pluto/Aquarian call of evolution/revolution/freedom/and sisterhood-brotherhood, it is indeed worthy to see ourselves in up-dated relationships, and claim the courage to step into this ‘brave new world.’

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha  💖


Making plans to move forward?  Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life:  samcatcam@gmail.com, or text 508-505-7700.  Astrological Information~ https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/

Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/  


Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom.  For information contact- samcatcam@gmail.com

This is a week for diving into dance mode to deeply integrate body and emotion.  If you wish to join- we dance Liquid Love to Ennio Morricone’s “The Lady Caliph” played by YoYo.  Go here: ttps://shaktidances.com


*Pay attention to details (Virgo) in order to process and utilize the creatively spiritual waters of Pisces.

*Navigate wisely between practical and possible. 

*Use both head and heart to regenerate spirit, as well as friendships.

*Discover new ways to walk your talk, especially your loving spiritual talk.

*Take daily time to bring higher level awareness into the quotidian/daily do.

*As a mad mix of cosmos & earth, let’s turn to potential possibilities of being energetically illuminated by higher good, higher vibration, elevated imagination.

BIRTHDAY’S THIS WEEK:  This coming year, you will be working on creating something new, and reviving your relationships.  Pay attention to not taking on bigger waves than you can strategically surf.  Call your courage and belief in self to take on a wider world and larger life.  You may be offered new ways to heal as well as transform the known by visualizing a higher wave of light.  Take slow, patient steps toward big new goals as you integrate the yin-yang of it all.


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