“With our thoughts we make the world.” Buddha
Wisdom Body Energies for March 19-April 1 by Samantha Cameron
On Tuesday, the 19th, our world enters the Astrological energy threshold of its New Year. Celebrating the Spring Equinox honors the mysteries of turning Piscean waters into the hot flame of Aires. It’s a magical opportunity to begin again. ‘Equinox’ means equal night, offering a point of equilibrium between the Solstices. It is a moment when the earth’s energy grid opens to a higher harmony, offering the opportunity to be in the mystery.
Humans are attracted to mystery, be it religious, spiritual, scientific, or Astrological. We want to see the invisible and know the unknowable so we may walk into the unknown prepared. If you accept the idea that we are all one, and that includes being one with energies of the Cosmos, nature, and one another then you understand that ‘energy is energy.’ Its form mutates and integrates as we create every moment. Our job is to morph with and in the different energy fields to manifest at our highest capacity. Consider the ancient wisdom that stated ‘We contain the universe within ourselves.’ If we move this onward, we must turn inward to know the true meaning of the world we inhabit.
If consciousness creates our universe, then our potential is inexhaustible. The deeper our inner dive into understanding and acknowledging Self is ultimately how we understand our cosmos. Lest you have the crazy idea that you must be brilliant, or perfect to do this, Stephen Hawking said, “The Universe does not allow perfection.” More to the point is Rumi’s famous quote, “Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” We are all seekers and magic makers, and as such we enter the mystic moments of Equinox and Solstice thresholds, hat in hand, on our knees, listening to the new song rising within. The few hours of ‘stopped time’ offer greater mastery to quarter turn and step into a new season, with an expanded heart for a bigger life.
In the enchantment of being a microsome in a macrocosm that reflects us back to ourselves perfectly, we begin to comprehend the power of intention, our transcendent abilities to rise up over and over, no matter what. ‘Ostara’ is the ancient name for the Spring Equinox from Anglo-Saxon, ‘Eostre,’ who was a Pagan goddess symbolizing renewal and rebirth. Call this lovely ancient goddess into your home on the 19th to replenish your energies, uplift new intentions, and fill your heart with spring hope. (In the Southern Hemisphere, fill your heart with fall hope.). Feel the connection of all life within you.
In Western Astrology, when the Sun enters Aires, spring rises with the ‘sap of will’ as Aire’s fire sends us off with enthusiasm, verve, and courage for a new journey. The Equinox is considered a ‘ power day’ as the Sun arrives at 00 Aires degree, and this chart has long been a predictor for the coming three months. One thing I can tell you without hesitation is that this spring is full of surprise, change, intensity, unraveling, re-weaving, chaos, and re-organization. It is a particularly uplifting time of transforming beliefs and ideas, making It a critical time to put minds toward intention, hearts to healing, and bodies to nurturing self-care. Listen closely to dreams, inspiration, quirky ideas, and synchronistic symbolism to plan the best steps forward. Whatever impedes or blocks your desire to upgrade, clear it out.
It’s helpful we spend three days clearing out to prepare for the Equinox, as we are entering the Spring Eclipse season where disposing and releasing are the only game in town. Continue what you have been cleansing as we head to next week’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra, Monday 25th. As you know, Eclipses are all about relinquishing old wounds and eliminating junk too long buried. Revisit what you no longer need, especially in the relationship line (Libra). As this is one of the signs ruled by Venus, it includes the Venus issues of: self-worth, money, value, relationships, and love.
What or who lies tattered and ill-used, begging for healing attention? You go first! Shadow material needs to come to light in order to bury it with grace and compassion. Be inventive! If you are shifting gears to play with unknown forces, call your courage. Believe in and be motivated by your particular genius. If you are being confronted with radical change, stop before leaping and listen to your intuition. Remember, if you leap you can always change your mind….even mid-air, ha ha.
Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha 💖
Making plans to move forward? Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies, and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life: samcatcam@gmail.com, or text 508-505-7700. Astrological Information~ https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/
Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/
Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom. For information contact- samcatcam@gmail.com
BIRTHDAY’S THIS WEEK: Are you ready to transform? Have you uncrossed your wires to receive higher vibrations from the Universe? Are you ready to run into the fire of enthusiasm, high creativity and better relationships? Then this is a year for you! As the ‘mother-ship’ of your life, come into a profound partnership with Self, with soul-speak as well as body-speak. Visualize yourself as a mushroom in the woods, soaking up nutrients and magical know-how for healing. You want the ability to cut away the dross and keep the gold.
DAILY PRACTICES: “Before enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry water. After enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry water.” Zen wisdom
*Listen to your emotional body as it is as wise a guide as the brain. integrate them and grow ever wiser.
*Make daily time to stop and listen to your intuition.
*Pay attention to details in order to process and utilize the creatively spiritual waters of Pisces.
*Navigate wisely between practical and possible.
*Use your creative process to weave known constructs with unknown futuristic ideas.
*Listen to head and heart to regenerate spirit, as well as friendships.
*Discover new ways to walk your talk, especially your loving spiritual talk.
*Take daily time to bring higher level awareness into the quotidian/daily do.
*As a mad mix of cosmos & earth, turn to potential possibilities of being energetically illuminated by higher good, higher vibration, elevated imagination. Mostly, by silly joy and unexpected adventures