
A Practice Is A Practice Is A…

As I wrote in last week’s Breath, a Practice is indeed a… BUT its myriad forms are often surprising, and catch us unaware before we can stand and say, or do, correct action. I’m writing here more of mental and emotional Practices.  ALL are difficult to show up for time and again. Seeing, then understanding where we missed being present is often the job du jour.  The big caveat is, ‘don’t get lost in the form.’  We must see the true energy of an event that sets us off, and spins the emotional wheels that require our Practice.  We must recognize the old dance, and with whom we are partnering. What childhood wound is in our face again?  What form did it just take?  How did we abandon Self this time? When we see a physical expression, such as shaking our fist, screaming at someone, it’s easier to follow it back to see and follow it in, if we choose. The big reactions are easier to recognize, given the clenched fist or jaw. It’s the smaller ones that are more powerful because they are insidious.  We let them slide by and say, “It’s OK.”  “I don’t mind.”  I’m fine.” Our Practice is to stand up for Self and say, “No.  I do mind,”  even say, “I love you, but it’s not OK to treat me that way.” Whatever the territory, the Practice is to seize the moment, if not the day.  Do not let it pass by, even if there’s no one to speak with, speak to Self.  Honor the hurt, be aware of the old wound, and do something with it so that it does not happen again, at least not in that particular way, with that person.  I guarantee that when we do not Practice self-care, the Universe finds……

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A Fighting Chance

 Maintaining a Practice, any Practice that supports the soul we hope to know, the person we wish to be, offers a fighting chance to fully embody life.  It holds the possibility to fulfill wide dreams.  It offers re-newed hope to create the world we wish to live in.  Otherwise, all bets are off. As we rush and push to produce, meet deadlines and obligations, it is unbelievably easy to lose Self, to have visions grow befuddled, and dreams die because we think they have a shelf-life that expires. It is only by finding a Practice that returns us time and again to essential self that we do not lose soul- essence.  It is too easy to succumb to demands where a superficial self is ‘good enough.’  Soon we believe that is who we are.  Nurturing Practices hone us within time and again.  They are talismans of faith, and beacons of good will. Whatever the Practice, be it meditation, time on the mat, chanting, breathing, singing, walking, knitting…it is whatever dedicates you, whatever offers space and time to simply re-engage essence.  A good Practice bears non-judgmental witness to our hodge-podge of desires, our flailings and failings, and half baked attempts.  It is the silent friend standing by our side.  No small gift. Asana: Kapinjalasana/Bird Drinking Raindrops Pose, or a mundane Partridge, one that lives on raindrops and dew.  Nice.  Iyengar writes that it is a cross between Vasisthanasana and Padangustha Dhanurasana, an extreme Bow Pose.  Enter it from Vasisthanasana, with body turned sideways to R, balancing on outer edge of R foot and R hand. On exhale, bend L leg back and reach back with L hand, grabbing big toe, or ankle.  Now rotate L elbow and shoulder to bring arm up and over, pulling L leg higher toward the back……

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Kapha Dosha

Ayurvedic Notes: As the weather turns colder, Vata energies merge toward Kapha.  If you live in temperate climes, (lucky you) most likely you continue dealing with Vata Dosha (imbalances).  But for those expecting first snowfalls, begin thinking Kapha Dosha: ramp up the physical Practice, eat leaner, less of those warm, cheesy bits, and if inclined to depression and lethargy, renew energies with handstands, and headstands.

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Death’s POV

New moons are 28 day deaths. The continuous re-birth cycle of Sun and Moon are the Ha and Tha (Hatha,) the Yin and Yang of earthly life.  This surrendering to death is very like practicing Savasana-Corpse Pose. There are many ways to release the old, and give up what is necessary, but living with and by Lunar cycles and the cycles within a Practice, invite greater awareness, helping shift old POV’s. Death, for all its fearsome omnipotence, is only a POV.  Inviting death in as a Practice, beckons knowledge of, and comfort from.  To that end, I share with you a wonderful writing I’ve just received from a wise and lovely friend.  It was written by Henry Van Dyke. I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” “Gone where?” “Gone from my sight. That is all.” She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side, and she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There. She is gone!” There are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: ”Here she comes!” And that is dying. Energetic Forces: Asana: Astavakrasana– Eight Crooks Pose, dedicated to the sage Astavakra. Begin with feet about 20……

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Who are you? Are you a brand? Better, are you a celebrity?  Do I know you? Should I? Have you read my site/book/blog/tweet?  Are you almost famous?  Can I friend you?  What do you have for me–me me me? Egad!  We are so noisy.  What has happened to silence, or to coming in second place, or to to not being known? We are so busy shouting no one is listening. How are we ever to become who we need to be if we are pushing to become someone everyone knows, and approves of, or disapproves of?  Better to be notorious than the nice next door neighbor.  Egad indeed. Not only is the pace extreme, demand incessant, distraction heinous, we now push at a before unknown requirement to be seen, even more, to be heard.  It matters not if we have anything of import, quality, even truth to share.  The personal sound bite is the voracious roar du jour. Not all of this can be lamented.  Some of it must serve in its fashion. Perhaps it is a by product of connecting the world? The questions are; how do we maintain a balance?  And, how do we prevent judgment in not being fabulously known, model-thin, and buffed, seriously young, decadantly wealthy? The extremes are silly siren songs which pull the middle line off course. How do we call for correction?  Is this impacting you? How? Where do find yourself reacting? What do you do about it?  Where are you creating balance?  I want to hear about you you, fabulous you. Asana Supta Virasana/Reclining Hero Pose.  This is not a pose for the stiff kneed, bad back, or faint of heart.  There’s a reason it’s named a hero.  Begin on your knees, allowing hips to settle down between the feet.  This is……

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Beam Me Up Scotty

Under this full moon, eat green melon, dream large dreams, wear silver twined with gold, see the highest vision, trip the light fantastic, and hold nothing but your heart. What is demanding your attention in this moment?  Where is your focus?  Do you have one?  Or has it mutated so many times in the past few weeks, it’s become a blur of mad cows across the horizon? This equinox is one of the year’s high energy points, with many oppositional face-offs, and inner pressures creating explosion and implosion. The equinox, as one of the four change quadrants during the year, can be a time of re-focusing, and re-commitment. Earth can access a larger intelligence using the solstice/equinox beams as homing devices to connect personal desires to light years streaming the galaxy. Outer planetary doorways beckon an alignment with desires, which can happen now. Be aware of what you wish for. The impetus for transformation is forcing bodies beyond usual fears and limitations, The Universe has turned up the heat so that as difficult as present change can be,  outcomes offer rich, profound sensibilities, along with more sensitive radars. Trekkies, remember “Beam me up Scotty.”  Now it’s your turn. Energetic Forces Asana: Hamsasana/Swan-Another beautiful, impossibly difficult bird pose. The difference between last week’s Mayurasana/Peacock Pose, and this week’s Hamsasana lies only in the position of the hands.  In the Swan, fingers face forward, toward the head, making this more difficult than the Peacock. Begin on all fours, Bend elbows, with forearms as close together as possible, and rest diaphragm on the elbows, chest on back of upper arms.  One by one, extend legs back, keeping them together, strong and straight. On exhaling take body weight onto the wrists and hands, lifting legs off floor, if possible.  Stretch the back and head forward until……

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