
The Fat Samoan

The fact that this is a true story is un-important. The fact that I not only remember it many years later, and it continues to re-affirm and re-create an inner compassionate space, is its vitality. Once upon a time, twenty years ago, my newly wed husband and I flew off to Hawaii to escape over-amped L.A. lives. We decided going native a more enticing idea than staying in a chi-chi hotel. This reasoning found us on a steep hillside looking for hidden bungalows, not only remote, but bathroom-less. Unbeknownst to us, we had not left our ‘big-city-selves’ behind yet. We were irritated, even uppity of spirit, which we expressed as we tried to find the office and someone to speak to. We called out, we knocked, we stood crankier by the L.A. minute. Finally a very large Samoan man, rose from his hidden bed, and slowly padded our way. I thought, ‘Oh great—slow, sleepy and dumb. What were we thinking to come here?’ He stood passively, silent, waiting. Allan asked, “Do you have a night’s rental?’ “Yes.” “Can we see it?” “Yes.” Beat… beat…. beat… “Is it far?’ “You should drive.” We took that to mean, ‘you out of shape, Haoles.’ Is there a key?” “No.” Keyless and clueless, we get in the car, in a dialogue as funky as the dirt path. “Can you believe that guy?” “What a slob.” “And my, God, so slow.” “Maybe his brains were in his feet?” Hopeless!” With that attitude, you don’t think we were going to see the hidden, romantic hideaway we had envisioned? What we find is a childhood version of a tree house on stilts, with light shining through the walls. Because we remain on a hard-drive L.A. chich, we decide it is not for us. We return to the……

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Sweet & Sour of Holy Ground

When the ‘moveable feasts’ of Passover and Easter tango together, religious rituals fill the air, and tastes of childhood linger on the tongue through matzo, or peeps. The sour and sweet of holy ground offers both guilt and redemption. It can open the numinous, or close down possibility by orthodoxy. Religious roots can send us on trajectories into unknown spiritual quests, as well as the crazies. Passover and Easter are called ‘moveable feasts,’ not because we go from meal to meal visiting family, but because they were created by the timing and turning of earth in relation to the heavens. This was not a precise science. Planetary orbits change, and we set calendars by this heavenly movement, revealed year by year, much as religious bias has grown, slowly, layer on layer. Pesach, or Passover, originated on the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. Easter took its timing from Passover, setting itself on the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, after the vernal equinox. Easter, based on the Gregorian calendar, not on the actual astronomical full moon or equinox, was set by the Catholic Church, mandating an automatic equinox on March 21. Religion superseded God to dictate when and how. More tied to ancient roots is the Orthodox Church, which uses the same formula, but bases its timing on the Julian calendar, instead of the Gregorian. This sets Easter on the actual astronomical full moon and equinox for Jerusalem, instead of the Gregorian auto-pilot of the western calendar. Eastern Orthodox celebrate the death and resurrection of Easter after Jesus entered Jerusalem and held Passover. However we celebrate our moveable feasts, may religion free us, rather than enslave. May our beliefs rise and twine from heart and mind. May we return to what is ancient and powerful within, connecting us……

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Call Me Foolish

When I cease to be a fool, hang me by my ears Until a giggle sputters forth to challenge woeful tears. If I stop all silly sounding vowels and verbs, Have the bloody pen run dry… I’ll sit in ashes on the porch where boredom waits along with port And pontificating lies. Oh Lordy Lord, don’t let me wait too late, Insensate to magic in the moon, Send me out to howl at CW’s hot-air-balloons, And rave against a world dismissive of its fools, Of lovers, Queens, and English Aunts Who make us smile because they dance on every misbegotten chance. An ego marching lock-step with others in the room Munificently speaks of dignity, and puffing up bozooms. Oh give me inanity and nonsense, lest I imitate the flock, And fear a loss of inches, never mind my stock. We precious few, we all too mortal band ‘Tis time for foolish frolic lest we lose our way—then can’t. Asana: ‘Happy Baby’ comes to mind if we have a mind for foolishness. Lie on the back, grab feet, and bending the knees draw them back toward the ribs. It is important to leave the tail bone imbedded on the floor. For some, the back of the thighs may be too tight to hold the feet, then grab the knees. Rock side to side if you wish. Either way, we happily and foolishly look like a dead bug, or a ‘happy baby.’ Health Notes: Extending the tail bone down, allowing it to lengthen, even stretch is the physical importance of this Pose. The emotional importance– is to be happy, to breathe the sweet simplicity that we assume children breathe, to stop monkey chatter and criticism for a moment, and feel life is full. Astrologic Notes: Aires folk, because of their innate leadership……

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Let’s Twist Again…

Twisting takes us inward. This can be either wonderful, as in a deeply cleansing Asana/Pose, or…it can be a convoluted inner angst, a nightmare of repeated wounding we inflict upon ourselves. When we are unable to release ‘old story,’ when we return time and again to defend against change, to see only the one side of the issue, to choose to be hurt by past bruises, and unresolved anger, then twisting in to re-scar that old territory, opens cankers of dis-ease and dismay. You ask, “Who in their right mind chooses that?” Not many of us when we are in our ‘right mind.’ It is when the ‘wronged mind’ takes over and can’t move on that we unconsciously, and consciously, spend too much time living past story. When it is our ‘story’ it is all too often one of regret, sorrow, and mis-deeds…be they done unto, or meted out. Twisting and breathing in NOW is not necessarily easy, but it is far more comfortable than past or future turmoils. Living in now makes it easier to view the past and see it as….well, past; gone! Done! Over! Take the lessons, see the mistakes, wash forgiveness over all, until forgiveness is unnecessary. Then twists carry us into the inner, sacred sanctum of profound physical, and emotional release. Our DNA is formed by a double helix, strands of light allowing new life to emerge from its endless twisting convolutions. Asana: Parivritta Parsvakonasana/Revolving Lateral Angle Pose. You can come into this Pose from Vira I by exhaling as you bring the arms down and across the forward knee. If the R knee is front, move the L ribs long, to try and place the entire L arm over the R thigh. Make sure the R knee remains over the R ankle, and that……

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Equinox-Growing Light

This equinox calls us to grow our inner light as powerfully as we respond to the the outer transformation of spring. Those of us who have been in snow’s lock-down, become joy-crazy with the warmth in this light. Even if we have not been held in repressive freezes, it is time to release the dark weight of fear. Whether dancing through daffodils, or surfing San Onofre, the inner flame of this spring’s re-birth calls us all. A friend just sent me the following ‘cycle of awareness.’ Perhaps we can use it as a catalyst for our mutual growing light. We cannot go on as before. The earth cannot support our darkness. We cannot withstand the bleakness. We change or die. Here’s a kick in the butt toward change: The Seven Day Cycle of Equinox 1ST Day: Releasing Old Patterns 2nd Day: Releasing Old Emotions 3rd Day: Releasing Old Problems Day of Solstice/Equinox: meditate on New Energy, Ideas, Directions for current or coming projects 5th Day: State or re-state Personal and Global Dreams 6th Day: Dreams and Expectations for the next 3 months 7th Day: Set a single habit in place for on-going processes of Self-Realization During first 3 days– write 2-3 items to release for each day, then tear or burn the papers upon completion of meditation/ritual. Write 2-4 items for manifestation at the Solstice or Equinox, then for following three days, Meditate on what you Desire to Manifest. Keep these papers in a sacred place for the coming three months until the next cycle begins. Asana: Urdhva Upavistha Konasana/ Upward Facing Open Angle Pose. You can move into this Pose from rolling back and forth on the spine, with knees curled at chest. Roll up to sit on Sitts bones, slowly extend bent knees as far as possible. Grab……

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Accidental Bumps

Yesterday I took a running spill, coming down hard on lower spine and posterior hip. It forced me toward new thought: One, I need to slow down. Two, it is time to restructure. Bones, ruled by Saturn, hold the physical body in place. Saturn, watch-dogs our boundaries, asking if we have sensible rules & regulations for a positive earth experience. Clearly when Saturn/bones cry out… pay attention. When Saturn takes over too much territory, when all we do is work, and be over-responsible, life grows dark, and depressive. Re- balancing is demanded. I am reminded that in the Tarot, Saturn represents the devil, not as an evil presence, rather as a metaphor for the senses, and personality that create the ego. Without a strong ego-structure, we are easily lost. But if the ego comes to rule spontaneity, and silliness we are in trouble. When the sensuous aspects of our nature stop feeding the personality, when pessimism and hard work crowd out joy and adventure, then havoc ensues. Saturn is also known as ‘The Dweller on the Threshold.’ Here, its ‘doorway’ is about testing to see if we are ready to move to the next level. Some might say it is another representation of the devil, but if spelled backwards, it becomes, ‘lived.’ Perfect! In our daily living we are tested to see if we have built correct structures for mind, body, and emotions. Are we strong in spirit? How well do we discriminate, and illuminate our reality? Do we walk toward our transformations and initiations? Consider ‘initiation’ as simply passing into higher levels of wisdom. The simple questions are: Will I slow down enough to see, and fix, what is out of bounds? Can I re-map the dark territory of my fears? Will I be willing to sit with my……

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