FIRST BREATH    Jan. 1-7 2018

We begin 2018 with yet another Super Full Moon. Many are hoping that its poignant beauty  leads us forward with greater civility and compassion, while granting wishes for health, peace, and abundance. But Super Moons bring the disruption of rattled tectonic plates, and disturbed electro-magnetic, and gravitational fields, therefore charged emotions.  This cosmic threshold into 2018 calls us to pay attention to how we wish to partner, to stand up for what we truly believe, and to expand perception in order to see hidden motivations, particularly in those who lead.

This Moon in Cancer, and Sun in Capricorn, sensitize us to being stewards, parents, and care-takers, both personally and universally.  The watery Cancer Moon is doubly sensitized, and intuitive, not only by her opposition to the Sun, but as a member of a grand water trine, with Jupiter, and Neptune conjunct Mars. This adds an idealistic, hopeful template to New Year wish lists. Not only is the Moon in a Yin, feminine sign, but Capricorn’s origins, as the Great Goddess, still carry his beginnings. The modern archetype as ‘old man time’ came when the world moved into patriarchy, but his beginnings were feminine.  Now, we are reclaiming the power of the feminine by asking, ‘how do we care for ourselves, one another, and the earth?  How can we be better stewards, with greater generosity?”

This week, we respond to others with greater sensitivity, and confusion, as the Sun aligns with Venus, pulling her in too close.  Whenever a planet is ‘under the beams’ of the Sun, they are burned, unable to operate well. ‘Venus Cazimi,’ which means “in the Heart of it,” finds the love Goddess at the ‘back of the Heart,’ or unavailable as she aligns exactly behind the Sun. This is her Death and Rebirth moment, making her blind to issues she cares about: relationship, value, self- worth, love, and money.  Words of wisdom for January are: don’t assume when working with Venusian energies, listen carefully, take a moment if you are committing yourself to someone else, or to a big financial project. Wait, if you can, and re-think.

A big energetic shift takes place the first working day of 2018 as Uranus, planet of unexpected change and chaos, stations to move forward.  As you know, stations ramp up a planet’s energy, so this week, don’t let surprises surprise you.  Uranus, the planet of progressive vision, rebellion, and social justice, has been rocking individual and communal worlds these past years, as it has moved in and out of a challenging square with Pluto. If these times remind you of the late 60’s and early 70’s, it’s because we dance under the energies born of that era.  Uranus and Pluto came together to give birth to the cataclysmic changes of the late 60’s. These past several years, the intensity of their ‘square-dance’ has again given birth to transformative upheaval. We reached the peak in 2017, which now allows their shock-value to slowly fade through the next several years.

Despite on-going confusion, and treachery, this year will be one of greater stability, grounding and practicality.  A large part of this comes from Saturn inhabiting Capricorn, the sign he rules.  His energies of conservatism, responsibility, timing, perfection, strategy, and leadership will be pre-eminent for the next two and a half years. Another pragmatic Capricorn layer is added on the 11th by Mercury, ruler of communication, ideas, and thinking-talents remaining in that grounded energy until the end of the month. With all planets in forward motion, for the first time in a long time, and the oh so diligent Capricorn energy in force, January is a good month to plan and check timing, pull up the boot straps and take a big step onward, wading through whatever is left of old muck to rise into brightness.

If 2017 didn’t offer you opportunity to overcome old perception, build resilient muscle to prevail, force you into meditating, or turn you toward one another in greater love and appreciation…then I’m a monkey’s uncle. This year we put what we’ve learned and struggled with into useful action.  We get to be the ‘change-agent’ the Universe has begged us to become.  We are arrived at the point where we can no longer hide our light.  Gifts must be seen and offered to a world on the brink.

May this be your best year yet!  May you thrive and transform from a joyous heart!  May you celebrate every small victory! Remember you were ‘born for these times.’ My heart to yours, always.  Samantha


On The Mat: What a marvelous week to put a personal Practice together.  We have not only the expanded view of the Full Moon, teaching us how to better care for ourselves, but we have the diligence of Saturn to keep us at the habit. This practicality working with the emotional and numinous Grand Water Trine, give us a beautiful balance to make our time on the mat a healing journey that serves us all year.

Your Birthday Week:  With the Full Moon as your template all this year, partnering and relationships will be powerful and prominent.  You may find you are care-taking parents, or your status as a parent requires more from you.  It is also a year when you may choose to psychological work on how your parents live on within you.  As a Capricorn, you are always interested in how to climb tall mountains, be in charge, and take on greater responsibility…this year will find you doing all of that and more, due to your Saturnian ruler challenging you to grow more powerful from the inside out.  Bon Chance, Mountain Goat!  May your steps not only lead upward, but carry your heart carefully.

Astrological Consultations:   Saturn says, ‘it is always timely to look at one’s life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view.  As you begin 2018,  if  you are asking, “How do I wish to use my inherent genius?  How can I move more deeply into my healing? How do I plan an abundant future?”  Then let us swim in your life together, in wonderful discovery.  Email


Jan. 3, Both Wed. night classes at Laughing Dog taught by Elgar Pichler

 Jan. 6, no Saturday classes.

 Jan. 10, 5:15 subbed by Jennifer Cooper, 7:00 by Elgar Picheler

 Jan. 11, My first Thurs. 8:15 Class at Laughing Dog. We will create an enthusiastic, joyous beginning to the day!

JAN 13, Sat. classes at 8:30, level II-III, and 10:00 AM, all levels. The Studio at One Edson, Natick.

Jan. 17, Advanced Techniques, 9-1:30, The studio at One Edson in Natick. This seminar explores standing and seated twists;  Relationships of their alignment & anatomy; Effective connective links between specific twisting poses; opportunity to teach and share knowledge.

Feb. 3, Astrological overview of 2018’s energetic highlights. What does this New Year have in store?  Are there doors of opportunity?  Doors of transformation? Perfect times to begin something new? Will our earth find some stability? Will we be inspired to move through stress with greater integrity and grit?  Come find out Sunday, Feb. 3, 3-4:30 pm, laughing Dog, when we explore an overview of 2018.   $25.00


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