Harvesting Powers of Peaceful Relationship   Oct. 2-10


The Full Moon of the 5th carries not only the usual partnering of masculine/feminine, but with the Moon in Aires, and Sun in Libra, it is a double dose of Self, as Aires feminine warrior, and other, as Solar strategic ego. The Moon is ruled by Mars, the Sun by Venus, offering a dance of partnership-within and without. This is every kind of relationship! And these dances are deepened by connection to Pluto, the ambitious Dark Lord who ties the transpersonal to the personal all this week. Time to put hearts and minds toward expansive goals, and dharma that carry depth charges. Despite Pluto’s intensity and drama, make peace your first intention!

You have been struggling with heightened emotions, which have grown pliable muscle to withstand the unsettling harvest of Thursday’s Full Moon.  Remember that relationship comes in many manifestations. It is not just you with a partner, but you with work, with yourself, with goals, with commitments, with your body, with the body-politic. It is a complex time of interactions, further complicated by the Sun’s connection to Neptune, making confusing mayhem of what we think we know, and who we think we’re dealing with.

Those who are becoming more ‘light sensitive,’ as in seeking to embody a kinder, peaceful, more courageous way of being, are more affected by the pervasive darkness our country is going through.   Pluto, in its profound, transformative style, reveals light by taking us down into the underground, Hades. Often we cannot know what we want until we see what we don’t want. In the turmoil of anger, fear, and power-mongering, we grow as instruments of light, with a strong bullshit-meter, to slowly and inexorably find mastery over self. Consider this is your fall harvest.

October’s major energetic influences that push us along the path of mastery include: Jupiter leaving Libra for Scorpio, Oct 10; A continuing duet between Venus and Mars make a 150 degree contact with Uranus, planet of ‘surprise!’ Plus, a two year Mars/Venus cycle, begins, goading relationships; A Libra New Moon opposes Uranus-more surprises! Mars moves into Libra, sign of balance and relationship, Oct. 22; Finally, some let up from the extremes, which will offer space to implement what we’ve learned, and see a broader perspective so that our new paradigm can become established and integrated. Take a big breath, and visualize a peaceful Full Moon, then arrange your ducks to move higher/deeper/wider/ onward!

Your Birthday Week: Your year ahead may be one of great harvests. It will certainly be full of partnering and relationships of every kind. You will be working with your issues of power, control, passion, and regeneration, due to Pluto’s influence. You will also have to work on your balance to be able to return to center after each surprising event. There is great fodder for personal development, so if you like that type of work, you will be very happy. If not, take longer naps, and seek new and unusual ways of working with others so that you are not a prisoner to your frustration. See yourself as a force in the world, standing up for self and others!

Astrological consultation:   See your life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view. Understand and accept present difficulties, as well as the healing journey ahead. Commit to yourself, and begin creating your abundant future.     Email  samcatcam@gmail.com

Mat Practices: Needless to say, this is a Yang week of Practices: Suns, and if you feel like, ‘jump your Chatarangas.’ Let your focus and drive move you deeper into well known asanas, and give you courage to try a difficult new one. This is a time to feel your muscle in service to your will, and your will in service to your heart. Mastery is hard to come by, but step by step, we conquer and hold our power up to the light.

Wed. Oct. 4: Classes 5:15, level I-II, and 7 P.M.~level II-III- at Laughing Dog. We shall be howling under the Full Moon? Shaking as well.

Sat. Oct. 7:   RSVP to samcatcam@gmail.com for limited 8:30 and 10 AM places. 1 Edson rd. Natick.

 200 Hour/CEU Modules starting up.  If interested in taking your Practice to the next, deeper/higher/wider level, towards a 200 hour certification, or adding to your advanced requirements as an instructor.  contact Samantha:  samcatcam@gmail.com





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