“It’s All God In Drag” Ram Dass Feb. 29- March 9

Let’s look at energies blown in with March. As is often the case, March holds the spring eclipses, notifying the world of big shifts and change. The month also begins the Astrological New Year on the Aires Equinox of the 20th. Astrologers look at Solstice and Equinox charts to see the three months of upcoming energies.

This Equinox features energetic/combatant Mars, ruler of Aires, as a dominant voice. The downside of Mars can be impatience and violence. Its positive use is one of commitment, desire and focus. You choose. This chart is loaded for both positive and negative expression in several ways, which may simply be asking us to grow more conscious of how we use our energy, how we perceive our needs, and how we desire to step up and be counted.

Jupiter sits at the top of the chart, and is also featured strongly in the Solar Eclipse of March 8-9. This New Moon in Pisces is opposed by Jupiter, it’s ancient ruler~before Neptune. This makes Jupiter a major player all this month. Think, large, bellicose, abundant, political, philosophical, social. The Moon will be at perigee, it’s closest approach to earth, which strongly affects electro magnetic fields, tides, and tectonic plates. Prepare to swim in subconscious rivers.

We will continue to see the polarity of conservatism dueling with revolution. Bring that battle home and see where it plays out within yourself. It may not have the bellicosity of a Trump, but he would not have the day he is having if all of us would own our Trumpy-junk.   Ask, where does my fear make me a bully? When do I not listen? Where does my adamant voice not allow flexibility?

March will be a month where we feel confused by opposing force fields, and uncertain of next steps, but it’s also a month of great opportunity of opening more fully to our intuitive voice, to see infinite opportunities, and learn to accept what is as we let go of what was. I am reminded of the great Ram Dass quote, “It’s all God in drag.”

Practice this Week:   Sit and breathe into the 6th chakra~ the Ajna, and the crown or 7th –chakra~the Sahasrara. Connect inner spaces, filling them with light, then move to the outer practice of asana. Breathe consciously through each asana, and if muscle or joints hurt, spend time with the discomfort, offering extra love. When you do savasana, don’t ‘do’ anything. Become nobody. Empty out.

For a weekend of healing and transformation, consider upcoming Shakti Yoga Dance Spring intensive. It will be three days of profound inner and outer regenerative work. Yes, it will be life changing: Go to shaktidances.com/classes & workshops/Intensive training.  Email ~samanthacameron@verizon.net



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