Dec. 28, 2022 -Jan.8, 2023


 We are led into 2023 directed by energies created at the Solstice and New Moon birth Dec. 21, and 23rd, and by the symbolic celebration of the 12 Holy Nights.  What is Astrologically interesting is that during these 12 Nights, from the 25th to Jan. 6th, the earth is at perihelion, meaning it is closest to the Sun which allows ‘light codes’ to easily enter the earth’s atmosphere. In a strange sympathy, it repeats, or reflects the ‘Super New Moon’ which was at perigee-meaning closer to earth, and therefore very powerful.  Think of the storm we just had with enormous high tides, flooding, and extravagant snowfall.  That intense lunar energy also affects bodies and psyches. Everyone I have spoken with this week has talked of intense holidays for all manner of reasons.
 At the Solstice, we had a large dose of Capricorn energy, fueled by five planets in the sign of the pragmatic Mountain Goat, which may have doubled down the intensity?  Or may have helped balance and deal with the emotional flooding? 

Symbolically, we enter every New Year from a growing awareness of greater light., literally and hopefully consciously. The Capricorn New Moon simply made Solstice energies more potent as a carrier into the coming 28-day cycle as well as the three months of winter. Capricorn, ruled by old man Saturn, tells us it’s time to grow up, be more authentic, take on greater responsibility, persevere, and update boundaries. The task at hand is to clarify priorities, illuminate a higher level of integrity while respecting limits and boundaries of Self and others.  Capricorn asks us to not only become our own authority, our own best parent but to trust inner judgments and do so wisely from heart.
 Saturn, as Father Time, reminds us to be present, asking how we wish to spend the precious gift of time.  Looking back at ’22 what would you do differently? What will you do with the year that lies ahead?  Supporting these important questions is Jupiter moving into Aires.  This fiery, enthusiastic energy blast is here to uplift initiative, and grow courage as we devise a better philosophy, and grow a big Beginner’s Mind.  With a pushy connection to Uranus, the sky god of higher mind and chaos, it’s a time to shift perspectives and try something new.
Yet another important shift around the Solstice was Chiron, the wounded healer, turning direct, also in Aires.  The highlighting of Aires, ruled by the warrior Mars, brings us home to ‘ME.’  What do I need?  Who can I become?  How do I feel? And in the case of Chiron in Aires, what are my wounds? How do I heal the ‘wounded masculine within? This for both male and female as masculine simply means right use of will and power. What is the boundary between my truth and yours?  How do I pursue what I really want, and do I deserve it?  If we have succeeded in healing and addressing these issues in the past five months of retrograde, then we are able to take forward steps with greater ease.
The last, but never least is the shift of Mercury stationing into its three weeks of Retrograde on Dec. 29!  This is the fourth about-face of Mercury this year, which adds to the general confusion and re-think of the closing days of a tired year. It stations beside Venus AND Pluto, in Capricorn -no less. What does this rather large backward swing of our mind/Mercury do for us? We are to enter 2023 re-evaluating our power, or lack thereof, our money, our relationships, and career.  Are there better ways to validate, or give ourselves permission to step up and do the right thing?  With Venus involved, we need to reassess our value and self-worth, and clarify shadow material around passion, love, jealousy, and partnerships~ any and all relationships.

 All these shifts ask us to step up to a better plate in a better way in ’23.  Make important quiet time in the coming days to let go the pain and wounding in ’22,  resolving to become a better cheerleader for your best self in ’23. Use the Solstice energy to remember you are of the light.  Use the managerial assertiveness of Capricorn’s big daddy demands to understand your greater potential.  Use Chiron’s healing to persuade you to accept a higher self -value.  Enjoy using Jupiter’s fiery thunderbolts to break the mold and move into unknown territory.  And make a peaceful partner of Mercury Retrograde to become friends with technology, and heal misunderstandings.  Many things to do before the New Year bounces in, but the most important jobs are to take a nap, laugh, and honor all your efforts of ’22!


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