March 8-12

INSIDER INSIGHTS~A New Moon of Inspiration & Illusion

“When a Zen monk writes the word ‘dew,’ it is not to the natural phenomenon that he refers, but to direct revelation.  Nothing concealed anywhere.  Truth, revealed in all things.  Buddha revealed in all things.  Dharma revealed in all things.  If you let scales drop from your eyes, you realize that everything everywhere is filled with truth; everything everywhere is to be appreciated!  That is what the scroll of ‘dew’ is hanging there to say.”         Soko Morinaga

Energies for the Wisdom Body, March 8-12, by Samantha Cameron

The Pisces New Moon on the 10th, begins Ramadan, Daylight Savings, and an awakening of internal Grace.  We begin again, dear friends, with wet, dark kisses of creative guidance, and soul resonance and romance.  Under this Super lunation of emotional tidal flooding, we turn inward to discern and decode our intuition and inklings for guidance on the road forward.  As the quote above says, ‘we are to let scales drop from our eyes,’ allowing inner and outer visions to integrate and inform.

This Pisces New Moon contains many gifts!  Not necessarily easy, but full of opportunities to step us into dreams.  The task is to slow it down, despite forceful energies to speed up.  We are being asked to become totally present so that intuition may rise and we might listen.  If we do so, less emotional triage will be required.  Be prepared for the unexpected, the confusion and loss that the shadow side of Pisces energy brings.  Realize you are infused with greater empathy and EI/Emotional Intelligence.  There is a wide spectrum of available Yin/Yang energies, so choose wisely.

Odd and interesting facts of this New Moon:

1. It’s a ‘Super Moon’- meaning it is closer to Earth.  (When it is within 90% closest to Earth, it’s called ‘perigee.) Any Super Moon appears brighter because it is closer, even dark New Moons.  They have a greater effect on tides, tectonic plates, and weather.  They affect the body’s electromagnetic field and guidance systems of intuition and emotion. We often feel less energetic as the direction is inward, not outward. This introvert beckoning is critical in order to wisely plan the coming 28 day cycle

*In 2024, there are three Super New Moons in a row; Feb. 9, March 10, and April 8 ~The great American ‘Solar Eclipse.’

2.  This is the fifth consecutive New Moon at 20 degrees!  You might use this very odd fact as a symbol of 20/20 Vision?

3.  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and New Moons are a sign of beginnings.  This yin/yang calls for deep integration and inner collaboration to create greater understanding.  We are moving forward from the past- always, but here we move from hidden, interior forces of spirit, dreams, loss, and unknown karma.  It requires surrendering to the ‘poetic soul,’ offering source/reality to know itself in more profound ways.

4.  In Ayurvedic Astrology, the energy of this New Moon comes from following the ‘Sacred Night of Lord Shiva,’ known as Shivaratri.  It can bring possibilities of profound shifts in karmic patterns, and offers a time when ‘prayers and desires amplify a thousand-fold.’ 

5.  In line with the Ayurvedic symbolism, is the energy of the Fixed Star of Omega-2 Aquarii that sits in the heavens at 20 degrees of Pisces, conjunct this New Moon.  Visually, it is within the “healing stream which flows from the Urn of Aquarius.”  Its influence brings blessings, with strong healing dimensions, and may be ‘a balm for the soul as well as the body.’  Think of the healing potential of water that Masaru Emotu uncovered.  (If you have any personal planets at 20 degrees Pisces, part of your life contains heightened sensitivity, with some form of healing.)

If you have personal healing to do, leap into this weekend’s potential of love and repair.  If you have friends or family you are working on energetically, ramp up your intuitive healing time when sending light and love.  All of us can spend five minutes to send our hearts out to a world in need of healing; the more the merrier, the brighter, the more profoundly powerful we grow as lovers & healers. Visualize what you want to happen.  See it done.  Thank the Universe for making it so.

A final note to this weekend’s fine intentions are words of caution regarding Mars duking it out with Uranus.  When Mars, the high-speed warrior of exuberant, and often careless, or angry energies, contacts Uranus, planet of higher mind, chaos, and freedom, we need to slow it down as accidents become the norm.  Their surprise and speed force us into leaping without thought, or preparation.  They are particularly dangerous around sharp machinery, sudden exclamatory events, and an overwhelming need to express freely.  Therefore, I return to my beginning words, “Turn inward to discern, and decode intuition and inklings for guidance on the road forward.”  May YOUR force, and THE force be with you!

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, and special gratitude to clients who support my work, inspiring my writing as well as my life. Samantha  💖


Making plans to move forward?  Confused by the unknown? If you wish to know how you are affected by planetary energies and understand better ways to partner Self and others, contact Samantha for a deep-diving Astrological consultation into your life:, or text 508-505-7700.  Astrological Information~

Information about my teaching and consulting style, focus, and background:  


Weekly Yoga & Pilates classes are offered hybrid: in person & via Zoom.  For information contact-


*Listen to your emotional body as it is as wise a guide as the brain.  integrate them and grow ever wiser.

*Make daily time to stop and listen to your intuition.

*Pay attention to details to process and utilize the creatively spiritual waters of Pisces.

*Navigate wisely between practical and possible. 

*Use your creative process to weave known constructs with unknown futuristic ideas.

*Listen to head and heart to regenerate spirit, as well as friendships.

*Discover new ways to walk your talk, especially your loving spiritual talk.

*Take daily time to bring higher level awareness into the quotidian/daily do.

*As a mad mix of cosmos & earth, turn to potential possibilities of being energetically illuminated by higher good, higher vibration, elevated imagination.  Mostly, by silly joy and unexpected adventures

BIRTHDAY’S THIS WEEK:  Under the watery influence of the powerful Pisces Super Moon, this year will ask you to spend time within to create powerfully without.  You may find yourself more empathetic, as well as overly sensitive.  You may also discover healing potentials, and/or the desire to help others in active ways.  Your intuition grows as you spend time listening to self of dreams and possibilities.  This affects ways and means you re-create your life, as well as de-construct past issues holding you down. All New Moons offer trajectories of new life.  Decide who and what you wish to be and become.  The world awaits!


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