August 13-20


 I’m writing you on Friday the 13th, and I see that August 2021 is a ‘universal 13’’ number’. (8+2+21=13)  Thirteen governs the Moon’s cycles.  It is a number of the divinely empowered feminine. Reduce the 3 and 1 and you get   4, which is Saturn’s number; not feminine or divine but worldly, tough, top-down, and realistic.  Already we have an interesting conundrum.  The energy for empowered femineity, along with a sensibility of tough realism.  The Moon travels 13 degrees in 24 hours. The number thirteen connects to the 12 Moon cycles in a year.  With 13 weeks in each season, and four seasons, multiplied by 13, we have 52 weeks in a year.  The Moon is about fertility, mom, family, emotion, and the birth-death-rebirth cycle.  These cycles are about CHANGE. 

August is a month when we must change, reorganize, re-invent, and realign yet once again.  Thanks to four outer planets being Retrograde – until October, and Uranus, the Sky God of Chaos and Change going Retrograde Thursday, 19th,  there are few choices but to stop, re-calibrate, and surrender.  These are the most important ingredients in an ability to truly change.  Using the deep femininity of the Moon’s guidance, we open hearts, hands, and ears to listen, to be Leo-childlike in wonder, in the joy of creating anew.  Take advantage of Leo’s Queenly guidance, good until the 22nd, when under the Aquarian Full Moon, the Sun moves into Virgo. 

Another aspect of the weird and wacky is the Astrological Blue Moon forming on the 22nd.  If you remember my notes of both July 15-25, Becoming Human, AND July 22-30, Golden Opportunity For The Golden Rule, you know that this Full Moon is a full-on Aquarian whack-job, or can I wrote, ‘woke-jolt’?  Part of what will make it more so is that Uranus, ruler of Aquarius is now standing still, beginning to vibrate like crazy to make us all a té more unbalanced than before.  I don’t need to tell you that do I?  (Check your chart to see where Aquarian energy lives large, and if you have an Aquarian Sun or Moon, expect power jolts of re-set, inspiration, and frustration, as well as galactic visitations!  Olé

Briefly revisiting the ‘Astrological Blue Moon:
 It is a rare occurrence when the event can be far more powerful if we plan for it. …head’s up for the Full Moon of 22nd,   at 29 degrees Aquarius!  This ‘Astrological Blue Moon’ is not the same as the well-known ‘Blue Moon’ when we have two Full Moons in a month.  The Astrological Blue Moon happens when there are two Full Moons, following one another, in the same sign, always in the first degrees, followed by the final degrees of that sign.  This is an extra power punch of Full Moon energy.  What does a Full Moons offer? They are times of completion, of understanding, of clarity, and connection.  Sun and Moon face off in opposition having a dialogue, and often see results of past work coming to fruition, or ending.  You already know they are times of greater emotion when we confront self, and or others to see with greater clarity.
 What brings the extra punch to an Astrological Blue Moon is that the second Moon, in the final degrees of the same sign, is a final dive, a last effusive, anticipated flourish of understanding, revelation, completion.  There is a sense of excitement, especially if you have been consciously working on a project, or have invested energy into yourself as the project.  It doesn’t have to be ‘out in the world.’  It can reward you with results not only from the ‘previous Full Moon but previous months of effort.  Lunar cycles weave themselves emotionally in and out of life as visible cycles of change.  They are the ongoing dance between Sun and Moon that move us inward, outward, and around the kaleidoscope of life. With this upcoming bruiser, take a moment to stop and consider what’s really important.  What is your heart’s desire?  Be honest with your life.  Weed out what holds you back.  Take extra time to be kind to you. Don’t run from the difficult.  Rather, turn and face the demons, for this is an extremely potent time to work with and dismantle what holds back your dreams.  Begin visualizing now how you might reveal the often shy authentic Self, to a wider audience.
Be very Leo-lionesque!  Live out your noble courage, stand quietly in your power, and sovereignty of love.  Despite our world being misshapen and incredibly difficult, add joy to every moment you can.  Fake laugh until it’s so dumb -you do actually laugh.  Exchange jokes with someone who needs silliness.  Drop into stillness several times a day as a ritual of replenishment.  Turn off the news after ½ hour of sadness..  Then remind yourself of your reality, your news, your ideas to hold your power lightly and lovingly.  Think big, outside the box, preferably.  Finish unfinished business then wait to see what unfolds.  Make time to integrate and re-furbish ideas.  Send love to the traumatized earth.  With Uranus moving slowly through Taurus, sign of the earth, and squaring Saturn all this year, we have seen month after month of fire, flood, earthquakes, unbearable heat indexes, loss of crops and starvation.  Visualize balance for the instability, peace for the chaos, and happy surprises, as shocks and surprises are a big Uranian theme.  When they appear let’s greet them with joy whenever possible.  Practice that by gazing at the Perseid meteor shower underway- a perfect time to wish on a ‘falling star,’  to be in awe and amazement of their beautiful power.

ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTATION:  What do you need, and how can you create it?  What keeps you from moving forward? What practical steps and timing elude you?  Need support in discovering golden nuggets within that you can seed in the world?  So many questions, so much to chew and discover during an Astrological Consultation.  Email samcatcam@gmail to book an appointment with Samantha Cameron.  Go here for more information,
SHAKTI YOGA DANCE TEACHER TRAINING. BEGINS OCT. 17.  Nine Sunday workshops for certification, or take individual sessions for the joy of being passionately on the mat. You don’t have to be a Yoga teacher to take the course, you only need to be a seeker, with intermediate-level expertise. For Information & registration.  Please share this information with fellow Yoginis.

YOUR PRACTICE:  Let’s be Leo-Lionesque!  The best of Leo energies is to know that your regal nature can create primal magic and magnetic wisdom.  In opening both physical heart (ruled by Leo) and the spiritual heart (ruled by Pisces) we learn to vibrate at higher levels and our light shines out to help a dark word be better angels and see from a wider POV.  We are also more joyous, childlike with wonder and creative juice.  Focused from the Anahata, the 4th chakra, we explore and innovate on the mat.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Clearly you are building muscle to ride a high tide this coming year. Believe in yourself!  Believe in your dreams, knowing you hold the power to make them true and real.  Despite the large planetary ‘fixity,’ work to remain flexible, supple of mind and body.  There is a lot of opportunity out there for you to grab.  Be choosy, discerning, and realistic.  Rule your kingdom with joy and heart.
RITUAL:  Repeat last week’s.  It works and will serve you well.  Find a shady spot and ‘cool it!’  Sit with a tree you love and embrace her.  She needs it as much as you.  Not only is the energetic landscape hot, but it’s moving fast.  We need quiet spaces where we re-group and practice biting our tongue.  Hold a black stone in your left hand, take a deep breath, hold it, then as you blow, transfer the stone to the other hand.  This helps the body to feel grounded and more in control during heated chaos.
If you are looking for a sacred heart-warming community that nourishes, inspires and uplifts for your optimal expression and radiant purposeful life, join Jacqueline Brodnitzki’s mentorship program at You’ll experience: rich deep reflection, insights, and clarity; a reboot, refresh, recharge for new thriving potentialities; and newly up-lifted and energized perspective and focus. 

The Wolf Pack, Within Life Coaching ~ led by certified life coach and meditation teacher, Cory Halaby.  This is a select life coaching program with tools, fuel, and support for change-makers.  Calling the women who want to enrich their lives and change the world through heart-centered leadership.  Find your pack and your power- Apply now: info at


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