

If you have Gaelic ancestors, your bones remember Samhain, (pronounced sowin) It is a liminal time when the veil is very thin, making it easier for spirits to pass over. It is a sacred time of honoring the dead. My dear friend, and Astrologer extraordinaire, Richard Humbert, chose this magical day to pass across the threshold. This is for him


New Frontier

Somewhere, out on the edge

Of invisible geography,

He waves farewell

Pivots toward the bright shore,

Heart fresh, Spirit-high,

To return to his house of belonging.

Released by ghosts

Blessed by love

Illuminated in courageous enthusiasm

He strides on

Holding those who love

In the memory of quiet loyalty.


The rest of us turn back, to re-ignite fires and move on. The Full Moon of the 4th is still having its way with us. Have you noticed thoughts circling around your value, and self-worth? Especially with Jupiter traveling through Scorpio, we shall be more conscious of personal growth, and what we need to expand. With three planets in Scorpio’s dark waters, there is nothing other than a regenerative leap of transformative terror.

Has the Full Moon’s light provided clarity on confusion, both personal and social? Can you see knots untangling that have held back movement? You may have begun a plan or project last year, but it has taken its own sweet time to mature. This week is an opportune moment to ask: Does it still have potential? Am I invested in taking the next step? Do I believe in myself enough to see it through? Uranus, our favorite rule breaker is baaaaaack! This time, he is more mature and stately in his connection to Saturn, though still ready to surprise and take our breath away. He only asks we listen to our intuition, as it’s simply the soul talking.

The Plutonian-Scorpionic themes of secrets, power, sexuality, suspicion, regeneration, and death continue unpeeling what is hidden, so we can see what lies below the surface. As Venus joins the Scorpio crowd, for four weeks, expect passion to be….well, passionate. Along with that passion, fires of possession and manipulation are burn bright. Venus here helps reveal our true needs around relationship, self worth, and money. “Let go/Let God.”


This Week’s Birthdays: Dear Scorpio deep-divers, read last week’s birthday guide, as much of it still applies, You may feel you are in a chrysalis stage, waiting to break free and unfurl beautiful butterfly wings. Be patient, listen to your intuitive voice, and come to recognize what you truly value, and what you are willing to do, and become in order to create it. It is a transformative time in your life. Do not react carelessly. Know you are in transition, and listen for the will of spirit.

Astrological consultation:   It seems that this year it is ALWAYS timely to look at one’s life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view. Consultations ask: How do you wish to use your inherent genius, and compassionate awareness? How can you understand the healing in front of you by     accepting present difficulties in order to plan the abundant future? What does that future include? Email

On the Mat This Week: Your Practice is a movement meditation~ of heart, mind and body. Treat precious time on the mat as a healing time-out; an invitation to go deep within, and call alchemical possibility into being. Choose music you love, or the peaceful beat of a deep breath. You are creating a strong cohesive alignment between your inner life, and outer. A Personal Practice is no small thing. Through it we rise to greater courage and limitless compassion. For Pose-help:


Wed. Nov. 8th~ Advanced Yoga Training! Learn to deepen and personalize your Yoga experience. Expand your knowledge of connecting body, mind, emotion. On the 8th, we root down, to stand strong, looking at structures of standing poses, with emphasis on coordinating correct alignment and movement, from feet, through knees to hips. We ask: How to simplify? Can we dig deeper? When do we include subtle anatomies to support the root system? How to see basic poses with new eyes~ being both a newbie, and a proficient?

Teachers can take individual modules for CEU credit, and/or advanced students who are interested in creating deeper life-Practices are welcome. RSVP required.     If you wish to skype in for these trainings, that is also available.

Wed. Nov.8: Classes 5:15, All-levels, and 7 P.M.~level II-III- Laughing Dog Yoga.

Thurs. Nov. 9, 8:30: Pilates Mat. The Studio at 1 Edson rd., Natick

Sat. Nov. 11th: RSVP to for 8:30 or 10 AM space. 1 Edson rd.



One Comment

Jesse Clark

Did not know Richard passed on… he taught me (us) Yoga and astrology, we caravaned together to the first Rainbow Family gathering in Colorado with a group from Yes! the first natural food bookstore restaurant nexus in DC early 70’s… many memories of Richard leading the consciousness expansion in so many ways…



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