June 20-27


“Creation is about discovery, and discovery indicates something was found, and if found, that it already existed.  What already exists within us is our perfection.”

                                                                   Alonso King~ choreographer

Each Solstice and Equinox is a threshold.  As the Sun moves into Cancer, we open Summer’s door, and set up a birth chart which reveals energies of the three months ahead.  Since today is magical, mystical, very emotional, confusing, and full of ‘look back- re-evaluation.   Expect June, July and August in the Northern Hemisphere to swim in these waters.  We have crossed this threshold many times, yet each crossing is new.  Many long for the ‘old normal,’ but more than ever our job is to create, discover, and find a new normal, possibly from pieces that existed before, but with an entirely new GPS, and a creative genius all its own.

A large piece of today’s birthing is Jupiter turning Retrograde in spiritual, lost, creative Pisces.  It joins the Retrograde parade of Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, hence the look back energies inherent through this summer. (Plus on Friday, Neptune turns back on itself.)   It is likely that we will not clearly understand the fruits of our labor until October, when first Pluto, then Saturn and finally Jupiter turn direct!  Much like this week, it is a lot of action for one month.  Consider these halçyon summer days to be a time we not only prepare a new fall direction, but grow strategies about a larger life we wish to inhabit. 

Dream what you wish to manifest!  Visualize its shape, smell, size and bounty, especially during Solstice magic, lasting another three days, AND while Jupiter is in Pisces, lasting until July 29.  At the beginning of August, Jupiter backs into Aquarius, where it spends the rest of its Retrograde period. Feel into your ability to manifest.  It’s entirely up to you, not the planets.  They offer advice through patterns and timing.  Astrology is not fated.  It speaks of potential, and dialogues with your inner being, without judgement or blame.  A great GPS, but nearly as powerful as your ability to dream and envision.

This week is very eventful, with three big energy shifts!  The first is Mercury turning direct on Tuesday, 22.  Hoorah! But be aware for the next two weeks of ‘shadow snafus’  prevailing; confusion, lost keys and misconceptions.  On Thursday, 24th there is a splendid Full Moon in Cancer/, signature of mother/father.  Hearts and minds turn homeward toward family, roots, ancestral voices, the past, and possibly childhood trauma.  It’s a splendid time to turn attentions inward and release the past, find completion and understanding through healing, forgiveness and grace.  The third big event is Neptune turning Retrograde on Friday, 25th.  This is a powerful about face as it is in Pisces, the sign it rules.  With both its ancient ruler, Jupiter,  and modern, ruler moving backward and inward in the sign where they are most powerful, expect confusion, loss and chaos. But more importantly, know that a spiritual surge of love, deeper meaning, imagination and creative forces are at the ready.  We may yet save ourselves if we can but grow ‘Emotional Intelligence,’  embracing a greater empathetic wisdom.  

One last footnote to the wang-dang week ahead is the fall out, or fall off of the second exact Saturn-Uranus square.  I have written of this before, but to recap:  Their push-pull battle is the major theme of 2021.  We see it daily in old VS new, control VS freedom, regulation VS mayhem, the individual VS government repression.  Think about ways you can use this difficult energy.  It can be incredibly creative if we can harness both the structural savvy of Saturn and the modern, freedom loving approach of Uranus.

It’s an important time to visualize the steps ahead.  Use your ‘celestial mandala’ to help see- without judgment- how you might deepen and enliven life.  I’d love to support and inform your mundane AND mystical Self!  Natal & or Solar Returns available as well as quick overviews of your Retrograde territories of change. $20 for 20 minutes. samcatcam@gmail.com

A RITUAL MOMENT:  Choose a symbol of your past, a photograph, a small treasure, a song, a piece of clothing. Hold it to your heart.  What appears?  What memory emerges?  Where does it take you? Is it healing, or filled with sorrow?  Listen to the gift inherent in its memories.

THE PRACTICE:  This week should be Full Moon Yang, BUT with strong inner pull of the Retrograde and watery Pisces flow, we are slower, and crave a spiritual wave over all we do. We stand the mat to release, to surrender in order to re-build. We shall give more time to becoming supple and serpent-like in order to transform.  We shall listen and move to exhale, releasing old forms that that cannot hold up-dated prana.  Growth is not comfortable, but we can change and find ways to enjoy.  How still can you grow?  How peaceful can you become?

YOUR BIRTHDAY WEEK:  It appears you are growing into a spiritual being this year.  If that does not float your watery, emotional boat, then think creatively.  Much of what you touch will expand from Jupiter’s backhand.  The great thing about Jupiter is it instills confidence, and a joyous ebullience for whatever you undertake.  With the Full Moon overhead expect partnerships to be very important, and perhaps parents and your relationship to them are part of your journey.  It’s a BIG year ahead, so Happy Birthday, YOU!


Wednesday June 23,  5:15 pm EDT, First hybrid c;lass!  First In person, and zoom. All Levels at Laughing Dog Yoga   www.ldyoga.com  Sign up at LD website. If you cannot attend class, request LD for the recording.

Thursday, June 24,  8:30-9:30 AM EDTPilates- Core & Stretch via Zoom.  In person and zoom, plus I cloud recording available. Email Samcatcam@gmail.com. Let me know if you in person.

 Saturday,  June 26, 9-10:30 AM, EST  Intermediate Vinyasa Flow- In person, on the green grassy lawn, AND via Zoom, or Icloud recording.  We shall have fun reviewing, re-doing, re-aligning, re-thinking.  Email- Samcatcam@gmail.com  


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