
Of Thee I Sing

The relevance of this ‘To thee I Sing-Day’ drowned out in honky-tonk cacophonies of slide guitar, fife and drum.

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Pagan Bones

Dance through a new door at Summer Solstice. Let this crossroads offer an unusual opportunity.

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Lean Back

Allowing unknown happiness by surrendering, and shifting consciousness. Revealed in photos – Poppy fields of Provence.

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Stand And Deliver

Spring is bursting into bloom, selfies are exposing lots of shiny teeth, tech-speed expands exponentially, and ‘excellence’ is more fabulous than ever. You want some of this?  Then dig deep, for a balancing polarity is necessary.  You want to fly higher, brighter, and lighter? You want to be the bud in full bloom?  Then strong, dark roots are the balance. With the velocity of not only technology, but of internal shifts, we need ways and means for feedback to hold a steady course. To this end, you may find yourself at the feet of a Zen Master. Zen Masters are those beings, or events, that appear as hot spots of what we have rejected within ourselves, confronting us in the world.  Zen Masters are the catalysts for our garbage that’s been invisible. They are a broom sweeping up old trash for examination.  The Zen moment is when we face off with the most impossible, angry, ego-driven, driveling, feeble, oblique, unconscious person in the world; when our devil-self appears, formed from issues we’ve ignored. Thank heaven for Zen Masters. They force us into rehearsal.  As Sandor McNab said, “Nothing determines who we will become so much as those things we choose to ignore.”  God knows we all wish to ignore our darkness, we hope to be accepted as bright and best as we may be, but in striving to shine, we think we can out-run our beasts. It may not be a bad thing if you’re 16. And it is a wonderful thing if shadow brings you home to inner self, to solitary reflection and facing fears. But if we are 40, and have turned away from our predators year after year~ those giant hooded cobras coiled within, then we retaliate, because we have not practiced. We have no idea we……

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As Are You to Me

A short while ago, I oddly chose a song to not only close Yoga classes, but make everyone sing along.  I wasn’t sure why, or why that song.  Beautiful as it is, it’s not an easy sing.  But honoring the feeling of rightness, I rallied on.  Weeks later, I now know why.  It is a serenade of seeing all life as a reflection of self, and in that vision~spirit enters, reminding us of the reflected-offerings in each moment.  They are of what and who we love, and what we see through that appreciation.  If you see it, you are its reflection.  It is then some aspect of the dreaming self, that one who owns divinity, and knows it is sacred, that incandescent being who struggles with the daily onslaught that is often tedious and maddening. The alchemical integration that this year asks of all of us is evolving to dissolve old matrices.  As they go the way of the DoDo Bird, we need updated Unicorns of creative Grace to emerge, rooted from the beauty of the old but re-structured and re-envisioned. Song and movement help us deepen into the body, as in doing ‘Celestial Communication. ’ Every layer is touched.  It doesn’t matter what we create; shoes, gardens, children, paintings, friendships, for as Osho wrote, ‘what matters is we put our soul into whatever it is.’  This mindfulness is what creates sacred reflections. Since I have an Eclipse with which to celebrate my birthday this year, I’m choosing the visions I wish to transform, the songs I wish to sing, and the dances that move me closer to the sacred-self.  Since transformation is the only game in town for all of us, I am choosing to see that you, whoever you may be, however near or far, known and un-known……

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Blood Moon

Blood Moon She rises in the spring sky A pendulous weight Growing gold through dark cloud Evoking Primitive memory. If she were not magic enough Shadow swells, scything the face  Until her wanton light occults Then Blood red blood she hangs Accepting the veil Mystery and mayhem replete.       Transformation of Astrology & Yoga I can’t put it any better so I’m offering you Rich Humbert’s fine insights at He writes, “There’s a slight increase in the chance of a natural disaster, a fair chance that most of us will witness some extreme behavior, and a good chance that some of us will feel a shift in our life’s direction. There’s a 100% chance that we’re living through a cultural sea-change.  …. The world has changed; we’re now in the future.”  Thank you, Rich! Since the future relies on the past, looking back to previous ‘Blood Moons’ (162-163 C.E.  795-596, 842-843, 860-861, 1493-94, 1949-50, and 1967-68) the ones we know revealed huge events that shifted the world, namely China. The People’s Republic was created out of revolution and declared in ‘49, and again ‘67~ which may make this Blood Moon another Chinese turning point.  Israel, and the Middle East also have disruptive correlations with Blood Moons.  The Americas were opened up in 1493, and World War II ended in 1949.  This Blood Moon is likely to be a history marker for upcoming 12 months.  (historical dates from Christine Skinner) This April, the weeks between the two eclipses~ 15 and 28th are crackling with energy, due not only to the usual leaps of faith we make at yearly eclipse times, but the coming together of a planetary grand cross.  Visualize being in a boxing ring with three other opponents.  The Yoga injunction might be: Stay light on your……

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